The Art of Loving Yourself

by Allison Lee, Alan Anderson

The concept of ‘self-love’ has gained traction in recent years following the skyrocketing attention paid toward mental health issues and struggles. Every turn of the corner on social media preaches it. Every influencer swears by it. Though the idea of loving oneself sounds simple, it’s often easier said than done. There is more to self-love than slapping on a face mask and meditating; how many of us truly possess the knowledge of how to practice beneficial self-love? 

As lockdowns and quarantines stay in place in various countries, we want to make sure you are equipped with the many options to stay mentally and physically healthy. But first, some definitions: Self-love is the act of appreciating yourself and prioritizing your well-being and happiness. Simply put, it means not settling for less than you deserve. 

Given all the events of 2020, it’s understandable that we would want to sacrifice our time and energy to help others who are in worse conditions than us—in fact, it is a noble thing to do. However, chipping away our own health while doing so is detrimental in the long run, and you cannot take care of others unless you take care of yourself. 

Figuring out what self-love looks like for you plays an important role in a healthier life. Though there are numerous ways to promote self-love, here are some of our top picks:

1. Be mindful. Pay attention to yourself and be in sync with what you think, feel, and want. Listen to your body and mind to learn what is important to your well-being and happiness. 

2. Take actions based on needs rather than wants. By focusing on your needs, you turn away from habits that would keep you stuck in the past or lessen your self-love.

3. Prioritize self-care. People high in self-love nourish themselves daily through healthy activities like sound nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, intimacy, and healthy social interactions. Apps like the Nike Run Club can be used to track your exercise or workout progress, gently incentivizing you to persevere. 

4. Take it one day at a time. Change doesn’t manifest overnight; the same applies to cultivating self-worth. Make it through one day at a time and remember to pat yourself on the back for all accomplishments, no matter how large or small.

5. Make room for healthy habits. Monitor what you eat, how you exercise, and what you spend time doing. Avoid doing things just to “get it done” or because you “have to,” but because you care about yourself.

6. Stop comparing yourself to others. Time squandered thinking you are ‘less than’ others is time you could spend lifting yourself up. Here’s your reminder that you are unique in your own way and should not hold yourself up against others. At the end of the day, we are all in possession of something somebody else wants, even if we can’t see it.

7. Forgive, forgive, forgive. As the age-old saying goes: nobody is perfect. Forgive yourself for things of the past and let go of your regrets. Come to terms with the fact that everybody makes mistakes, but what will set you apart is if you’re willing to focus on the days ahead instead. Commit to improving your behavior and living more closely to your values.

8. Develop long-term plans. Since loving yourself can be an arduous journey, draw up plans on how you aim to grow into your best self. It could be what you do in your work or something new you want to learn. Be open-minded and experiment with the endless possibilities! With a map in hand, you can approach life with a clearer mind and guide. 

9. Relish your alone time. Many of us fear being alone because we are left with our innermost thoughts. Look on the bright side: those moments of introspection will ease you into being more in tune with yourself, so you end up with a clearer sense of what you want and need. 

10. Apply the Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT is a healing tool where you tap on specific parts of your body while repeating a mantra or affirmation when you’re feeling anxious or self-critical about a particular issue. It’s a great and easy tool to release your negative emotional energy and re-establish inner peace.

11. Relax your face. Self-love is more than just relaxing the mind! Practice progressive muscle relaxation techniques and take frequent breaks to moderate the tension in your facial area. You can also opt for biofeedback techniques to enhance your awareness of involuntary bodily processes and improve confidence in your body language.

Out of all the fluctuations and changes in life, you are the one constant; so, treat yourself with love and respect because you’re in it for the long run and you deserve it. Give yourself a break from judgment. Set healthy boundaries. Forgive yourself. Accept yourself for who you are and strive forward to who you want to become.