From articles to avant-garde poetry, photography to painted fantasies, Getting It Strait accepts any form of written and/or visual work that represents stories irrespective of scale, be it personal, communal, or global.
- We are interested in work of any publishable form and/or style. If you are not sure, submit anyway! We won’t know what we like until we see it. Submissions we accept, but are not limited to, include:
- Articles
- Essays
- Interviews
- Reviews
- Creative Nonfiction
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Visual Art
- Photography
- We look for works that are relevant and/or informative in regard to major events that have happened within the Malaysian or global social, political, and economic climates, in addition to pieces that reflect your individual passions, histories and interests.
- We reserve the right to reject works that predominately encourage the use of hateful rhetoric.
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but we ask for you to let us know as soon as possible if your work has been accepted elsewhere. Your piece should not already be published elsewhere. You are responsible for abiding the terms and conditions already set by the other platform/website before you submit to us.
- You are welcome to attach an author’s bio, stay anonymous, or use a pseudonym. Do let us know in your email if there is anything that you would like to consider adding or omitting.
- Written works must be submitted under a .docx file in English.
- Accompanying images must also be attached in the .docx file in the sequence you want it to be presented.
- Illustrative pieces, be it your own work or as accompanying images to written work, must be submitted as a .jpg or .png file.
- Photography submissions are limited to a maximum of ten photos in one series.
- Each issue’s contents are published online to everyone for free; GIS does not gain profit off of your work.
- You retain ownership of your work, but by making a submission you give GIS permission to disseminate, modify, and use your submission, fully or partially, in all media for publicity.
- By submitting, you agree to subject your work to content evaluation and to be modified following grammatical checks under the judgement of the Getting It Strait editorial team before immediate publication, unless explicitly stated with a reason, e.g., stylistic choice. Your submission will be redirected into Google Docs and we will send an email notification to you so that you may make changes based on our attached comments.