Merdeka Day for the Other

by Ryan Wong

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

The fireworks are bursting sunflowers, showering the town

in seeds of gold, loud and beautiful in their hope —

all the things I cannot be.

Every summer’s end is the same.

Sizzling barbeques, wailing car alarms, drunken laughter.

And if I press my fingers to the glass I can pretend,

even if for a selfish moment,

that the joy of liberation was one I shared in.

Because make-believing is all I know, all I can do.

In this city in this state in this country,

anything more is a punchline to laugh at

and a death sentence when they realise you’re serious.

Such is Merdeka for the other:

gazing wistfully out of windows,

letting our imaginations run, free but never too far,

lest we lose ourselves to foolish hope.