It Is Us Who Rule The Sky

by Madeline Lee

It Is Us Who Rule The Sky

after The Black Unicorn by Audre Lorde

Di saat genting


mereka yang ditolak


trapped in an oppressive system

that disenfranchised humanity

that stripped the sentimentality

of the five Rukun


Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan.

When the rakyat is torn apart

as clamant political machinations

saw through

suara madani


Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara.

When Hadi says it’s all a test

from God

When the Prime Minister calls

himself Abah

Little armchair elites

politicking while the virus wreaks havoc

When questioned

menepis dan berpura-pura


Keluhuran Perlembagaan.

When the Parliament is obsessively beguiled

M40 and B40 given crumbs

While the aristocrats do as they please

hiding flaws discreetly

forming small, hemed-in enclaves

Their arrogance, permanent in coal

kneeling before palm oil barons


Kedaulatan Undang-undang.

When Budget 2021 aroused suspicion

When 32.7 million were promised a garland

of spring blooms

Pledge campaigns shelved

electorates forgetting

that a week’s an age in politics


wherever crooks invest


Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan.

In milo peng and kolo mee kat mamak

eating each other’s worries

as we bersembang

tentang nasib terumbang-ambing

tentang sifat kebiasaan baharu

tanpa sehiris kesan kebiasaan

About how

in knowing

there is no knowing

But, the freshwater is rising

And so are we

Watch the tides melds with coal

nothing is permanent in lead

Ensnared between ink and bourgeoisies’ hands

what has been erased

rubbed away

our culture

our memories

Gut and sanitise they give

expecting us to swallow

without batting an eye

Did you really think

it was going to be easy?

Only profit

on your mind

hardly noticing

the crows

hidden between squares of black heat

playing with permanence

filling up the page with a pencil

a language

a dream

then using fingertips to rub

until only a revolution is left

Time running out

the scoreboard ticking down

match point

one spike left to go

You cannot destroy the souls

of the people who persevere

The soon-to-be victors will bask

in the glory they will hold

once the timer reaches zero